Premix vs Scratch mix - which one is better?

For GRC PRO customers wanting to make their own benchtop or concrete furniture there are a few different options available;

Option 1: PREMIX


PREMIX is an 'all in one' concrete that has a perfectly balanced mix of all the ingredients needed to make high strength, flowable concrete e.g. Cement, Silica sand, Pozzolan, Polymer, Superplasticizer, Shrinkage reducer and defoamer etc. You simply add fibre and water to suit. Premix is convenient as you do not have to manually measure out each ingredient but you do pay slightly more

Good for people having a go for the first time and / or anyone wanting to do small production runs as it greatly reduces the labour cost

Option 2: ADMIX


A good option if you are in a remote area or have readily available quality sand and cement locally you can opt to purchase an ‘ADMIX’ which has all of the admixtures in the PREMIX without the sand and cement.

Option 3: 'From Scratch' mix

We also sell all of the individual ingredients required to make GRC to your own recipe 'from scratch'. Ideal for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of how concrete mixes work and we strongly recommend you sign up for the CCI online training. You will save a bit of money on the ingredients but you'll need to be willing to spend time putting the mix together, weighing out ingredients etc.

From scratch mixes give you more flexibility to be able to modify the workability, stiffness and visual effects of your final product e.g. vertical rock faces, marble effects, artwork and Terrazzo etc.